Industrial Electronics
New business unit "Industrial Electronics" became part of Horizont Group's portfolio after acquisition of two belarussian companies: "MPOVT" and "Kalibr"
"Minsk Production Association of Computer Engineering Techniques" (MPOVT)
Alexander L. Panasyuk
JSC “MPOVT” has many years of experience in the production of electronic equipment in intense competition of telecommunications and computer technology. The main task for the future is to maintain the priority in the production of switching systems for local and departmental telephone networks, computer equipment and systems based on them, as well as products of an economic purpose: racking systems and tractor machine products.
- The nomenclature of telecommunications and communications includes connecting hardware system “Beta M”, lead-in switch gear, digital fiber optic transmission systems for multi-channel cable TV networks;
- The range of computer equipment includes personal computers, computer classes, computer equipment for processing classified information, information terminals, telecommunication closets;
- Concerning products for economic purpose, the factory produces cash registers, special computer systems, metering devices and flow control devices, a number of instruments and devices for medical purpose on the basis of personal computers produced by the enterprise, medical cabinets;
- In terms of cooperation with Minsk automobile factory, it started production of signaling and monitoring blocks, and for tractor factory - rotary locks and microcontroller control units for tractors "Belarus". For the National Library of the Republic of Belarus it has mastered production of various shelves;
- he range of lighting products includes three-and five-lamp hanging lights, and multi-lamp (11and 16) multilevel lights with elements of art castings and ceramics, and wall lights of tubular elements on portable, flexible racks with different types of coating: brass coated, with colored polymer coating, combined, single and dual lamp sconces and table lamps with the same elements and types of coverage, energy-saving lamps;
The main objective of the company is to ensure the quality of its products. Production quality system of telephone exchanges “Beta M”, cable-switching devices, personal computers BM 2002, printed circuit boards, cash registers, fuse and relay, meters and regulators of water and heat, rotary locks are certified for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009.
Contact information:
Belarus, 220013, Minsk, Kulman str., 1
Tel: (+375 17) 288-16-21,
Fax: (+375 17) 237-38-82
Е-mail: [email protected]
Peter D. Kovalev
General Information:
Till 1992 "Kalibr" was one of the largest enterprises of the former USSR military-industrial complex. The factory manufactured modern radio and diagnostic equipment, automated measuring systems. Since 1992, as part of the conversion the plant began production of elevator control devices, which are currently the basic nomenclature of the company.
In 1998, equipment for floor and caged birds designed by planat’s constructors was put into production. The plant continues to produce radio equipment and constantly updates its range.
In 2005, Production Republican Unitary Enterprise “Kalibr factory” was transformed into Joint Stock Company “Kalibr factory”. Today 100% of shares belong to the government.
The factory has preserved and develops basic technologies: machining of parts, galvanization coatings and coloring with powder enamels; manufacturing of printed circuit boards; manufacturing of electronic components, including the application of chip-elements surface mount; manufacturing of winding products (transformers, chokes, inductors); heat treatment of details; tool production.
The factory has classical structure: design and technology division; metrological service, quality service, accredited testing laboratory, department of automated production control systems, sales service, economic departments, marketing and sales management, logistics, etc.
Basic technologies:
- machining of parts;
- galvanization coatings and coloring with powder enamels;
- manufacturing of printed circuit boards; manufacturing of electronic components, including the application of chip-elements surface mount;
- manufacturing of winding products (transformers, chokes, inductors);
- heat treatment of details;
- tooling production;
- Galvanization (electrochemical nickel plating of products with lengths up to 1200mm;
- chemical nickel plating; galvanizing of products up to 2000 mm;copper plating of products;oxidation of parts from aluminum, copper and copper alloys; silver coating, gold-cobalt alloy coating of products;
- Manufacturing of single and double sided printed circuit boards;
- Heat treatment of details: phosphating of details from steel; painting and decorative coating (liquid enamels painting; powder compositions coating for products up to 2500 mm; labeling by offset printing and screen printing).
- Manufacturing of stamped parts with minimal production training on coordinate-punch press numerical control of up to 1250 x 2500 mm and thickness of 2 mm;
- Manufacturing of electronic components using surface mount technology for chip-elements;
- Installation, assembly and adjustment of components and units of electronic equipment;
- Manufacturing of harnesses for electronic equipment;
- Manufacturing of winding products (transformers, chokes, inductors);
- Heat treatment of details;
- Manufacturing of stamps, molds, special cutting, measuring tools and devices;
- Warranty service and repair, organization of measuring instruments state inspection: oscilloscopes; voltmeters; generators; immittance meters; meggers; all types of lifts control systems;
Contact information:
Belarus, Minsk, Fabricius street, 8-306,
Tel: (+375 17) 222-13-75
Fax: (+375 17) 222-07-18